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The last review of this policy was conducted in January 2020.

We treat personal data provided to us with respect and integrity. We are committed to protecting your privacy and it is important that you understand how we look after your personal data and how we make sure that we meet our legal obligations to you. This Privacy Policy sets out how we collect, store, use and disclose your personal information in accordance with the Australian Privacy Principles contained in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) and the Privacy Amendment (Enhancing Privacy Protection) Act 2012.

In addition to our general personal information management practices, section 5 of this Policy covers the way in which an individual’s personal information is treated when they access and interact with the website at

Acts and practices of employers that are directly related to both employee records and an employment relationship are exempted from the Privacy Act, and are not covered by this Policy.



Personal information is information or an opinion that can identify an individual or from which the identity of the individual can be reasonably ascertained. Types of Personal Information include:

  • Information that identifies the individual (for example, name, gender, address, contact details, date of birth, photographic or video images);
  • Information about the individual that is required or authorised by law; and
  • The individual’s opinion about Sala Property

When Sala Property provides you with services, we may need to collect certain information from you. The type of personal information which we collect will depend upon the dealings which you may have with Sala Property.

Sala Property may collect and hold personal information about individuals who:

  • purchase, or express an interest to purchase, development projects managed by Sala Property (for example, when entering into a sale and purchase agreement, or when responding to requests for information about a projects managed by Sala Property.);
  • seek employment with Sala Property employees (for example, when conducting background checks for the purposes of employment);
  • register or subscribe to join Sala Property programs, newsletters or competitions; use Sala Property websites, social media and other online services;
  • use mobile applications developed by Sala Property;
  • may otherwise come into contact with Sala Property;

Sala Property only collects personal information which is reasonably necessary for its dealings with the relevant individual.

We collect personal information provided by you or your authorised intermediaries which is reasonably necessary to:

  • provide you with quality products and services;
  • do all things necessary to administer, manage, develop and protect those products and services;
  • consider applications and approaches which you make to us; and
  • maintain your contact details.


Consequences if information not provided

If you do not provide us with requested information or if that information provided is incomplete or inaccurate, it may:

  • prevent us from providing our products and services to you;
  • limit our ability to provide you with the level of service which you would normally expect from us; or
  • prevent us from being able to contact you.


Sensitive information

We do not generally collect sensitive information about you. Sensitive information includes information or opinion relating to:

  • racial or ethnic origin;
  • political opinions;
  • membership of a political association;
  • religious beliefs or affiliations;
  • philosophical beliefs;
  • sexual preferences or practices;
  • criminal convictions;
  • membership of a professional or trade association; or
  • health information.

If we do collect sensitive information about an individual, we will only do so with the consent of that individual or otherwise in accordance with the law.


Indirect collection of information

We generally try to collect personal information directly from you or through your authorised intermediaries.



Personal information which is collected by Sala Property is generally only used and disclosed for:

  • the main purpose for which the information was collected; or
  • related purposes, which would be within your reasonable expectations.

We may otherwise use or disclose your personal information where the use or disclosure is required or authorised by law (for example, disclosure to government regulatory and law enforcement agencies) or in emergency situations. If Sala Property wishes to use or disclose your personal information in other circumstances, we will seek your consent to do so.

Members of Sala Property may share an individual’s personal information with related entities. In this case, the information may only be used or disclosed by the related entity for the main purpose for which it was collected, for purposes related to the main purpose, where required or authorised by law, or for other purposes if the individual has consented.

Sala Property does not sell personal information to companies outside Sala Property.

We may disclose your personal information to our contractors and service providers that assist us in the operation of our business or the provision of services (for example, our internet service provider or mailing house). We require these organisations to agree to comply with this Privacy Policy.

A small number of our related entities and third party service providers are located in countries outside of Australia. Our contracts with these parties generally include an obligation for them to comply with Australian privacy law and our Privacy Policy.



The Spam Act 2003 (Cth) restricts the circumstances in which we can send you commercial electronic messages (including email and SMS text messages). We may send other advertising material to you where the advertising material is related to the purpose for which the personal information was collected. If you no longer wish to receive such promotional information, you may advise us in writing. Commercial electronic messages will include information about how to contact us, and unsubscribe if required. Our records would normally be amended within 30 days or as otherwise required by the Spam Act. Details of how to contact us are set out below.



We take reasonable steps to protect personal data from misuse, interference or loss and unauthorised access, modification and disclosure with appropriate safeguards and security measures and restrict access to those who have a legitimate business purpose and reason for accessing it. We maintain physical security measures over its physical premises, and a range of computer and network security measures (such as systems access, firewalls, data encryption) over its electronic systems.

Personal data is only retained for as long as it is necessary for the identified purposes, to the extent necessary for purposes reasonably related to those identified purposes (for example, resolving disputes) or as required by law, in accordance with the periods set out above. We will destroy or permanently de-identify any personal information collected which is no longer required. External organisations which provide support services to us are also required to appropriately safeguard the security of the personal information which we provide to them.

We have an ongoing obligation to take reasonable steps to handle personal information we hold about in accordance with the Notifiable Data Breach Regime within the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) as amended. If there is a suspected or known data breach, our first step is to contain the breach were possible. This will require steps to immediately limit further access or distribution of the affected personal information. The steps to be taken are set out in the Notifiable Data Breach Protocol attached as attachment A to this Policy.



This section outlines the way we handle personal information which we collect when an individual uses the website.

We outsource the development, maintenance and hosting of the website to third party service providers. We may disclose personal information about an individual to our third party service providers so that they can effectively provide these services.


Collection of personal information

An individual may visit the websites without providing us with any personal information. However, we may collect personal information about an individual accessing the website if they use the ‘Contact us’ section of the website.


Use of cookies and web tracking

Cookies are small text files that may be stored on your computer (or other internet enabled devices, such as smartphone or tablet) when you visit a website. They help websites remember information about your visit and make your next visit easier.

Most browsers are initially set up to accept cookies. You can reset your browser to refuse all cookies or to warn you before accepting cookies. If you have set your browser to warn you before accepting cookies, you will receive the warning message with each cookie.

If you wish to remove cookies placed on your device by our site or stop our site placing further cookies on your device, you can do this at any time.



Our website may, from time to time, contain links to and from the websites of third parties. If you follow a link to any of these websites, please note that these websites have their own privacy policies and that we do not accept any responsibility or liability for these policies or your use of those websites.


Website security

As with any internet transaction, the transmission of data over the internet is not completely secure. While we take reasonable steps to protect all the personal information in our possession that we have collected via the website in accordance with our general personal information management practices, we cannot guarantee the security of all data submitted to us over the internet.



When we receive an email from an individual, the email may contain personal information about that individual. This information will be treated in accordance with our general personal information management practices outlined in this Privacy Policy.


Contact with Sala Property about your personal information

You may wish to contact Sala Property to access your personal information, to seek to correct it or to make a complaint about privacy.

You can contact us by completing the form located here and selecting “Privacy enquiries” from the drop-down menu.

Our privacy email contact address is and further contact details for Sala Property and privacy are set out below.

Sala Pty Ltd
Level 15 Corporate Centre
Bundall, QLD 4217
Phone: + 617 5591 9533

We will respond to your request for access to personal information we hold about you as soon as we reasonably can, including if we are unable to provide you with access (such as when we no longer hold the information).

We do not impose any charge for a request for access, but we may charge you a reasonable fee for our costs associated with providing you with access and retrieval costs.

For complaints about privacy, we will establish in consultation with you a reasonable process, including time frames, for seeking to resolve your complaint.

You may also contact the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner as follows:
Phone 1300 363 992
Address GPO Box 5218
Sydney, NSW 2001

If you feel that we have not adequately dealt with your complaint, you may contact the Australian Privacy Commissioner via



From time to time, we may change our policy on how we deal with personal data or the types of personal data which we hold. We will take all measures necessary to communicate any changes to this Privacy Policy to you and any updated version of this Privacy Policy will be published on this page. You may obtain a copy of our current policy from our website or by contacting us at the contact details above.